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    Shrink film packaging machinery selection requirements

    Update Time:2016/6/13 16:50:38

    Now more and more companies concerned about their product packaging aesthetics and cleanliness, so more and more companies choose to shrink packaging machinery to achieve their packaging, shrink packaging machinery that the choice of the time, we how to choose?

    First of all: we have to understand what they need to shrink the size of product packaging, packaging, shrink packaging machine size determines the choice of models;

    Second: We need to understand the speed shrink wrapping, which is required for the number of shrink-wrapped product, every hour of need shrink packaging efficiency;

    Third: We need to understand membrane shrink packaging, shrink packaging products, how to transport, if you want to re-packing, shrink-wrapped products can be selected after relatively little book membranes, after shrink packaging if they are directly transported to to consider when choosing a relatively thicker membrane contraction;

    Fourth: We need to understand the shape of the shrink-wrapped product, if the product is irregular products, in the choice of packaging machines and shrink wrap should be taken into account, not as a general shrink packaging machine models to consider.